I love Wikipedia. Not everyone likes the fact that anyone can post entries and information is not always verified. However, there is a process for removing bad entries and I've found most if the information to be pretty useful. What I don't like about it is the lack of good maps. One day while being frustrated by that I discovered Wikimapia. While this does not directly link to Wikipedia and solve the map problem it is still a pretty cool idea. You can create your own login but actually anyone can add a place. Sure there's abuse but users can flag bad entires, make comments and give a "thumbs down" to inaccurate or dopey comments or entries. Also, it is worldwide so you can add any place on earth! So go ahead and add your favorite places. The more feedback they get the better (and more accurate) the site will be.
4 days ago
Hmm, I saw this once and then forgot about it. I was tempted, then and now, to create an entry for my truck, which is clearly visible on Google's imagery of my street. Instead, I created an entry for a nearby street. We'll see if it "takes."
I looked but couldn't find your entry on the mysterious "nearby street" - hope it takes, it's an exciting feeling to make it into wikimapia!
I'm in! I'm in!
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