Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Australia's Ecological Disaster

Reuters Graphics has done a nice job of showing species habitat overlaid with areas that have recently burned.
For example here is the Eastern Ground Parrot and the parts of its habitat that have been affected by fires.
A detail of Kangaroo Island shows the extent of fire in the only known habitat of the Kangaroo Island Dunnart, a mouse sized marsupial.
According to the article Wallabies are affected more by loss of food supply than by the fires. National Park service staff have airdropped thousands of kilos of carrots and sweet potatoes from helicopters to help the species.
 From the article:
As fires become more frequent and more intense across Australia, even if the small exclusive areas where these animals live had escaped the recent fires, they would have been at higher risk of burning in coming decades, Lindenmayer said.
“The danger that we are now seeing in large parts of Australia that are burning so frequently is that animals simply don't have enough time to recover before there's another fire.”
 The full article is here 

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