Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Maine's Fire Tower Panorama Maps

The State of Maine's Forest Service commissioned a series of 360-degree maps centered on mountaintop fire towers throughout the state. They are available from the digitalMaine repository.
For example here is Mt Ararat in the town of Topsham, near the coast.
Here is some detail - the fire tower is marked by the black dot in the center.

Another example from near the Quebec border  - Green Mountain.
Here you can see the title block, map and panoramic details along the rim of each map.
More urban locations like Mt Ararat will show details like oil tanks and standpipes.
There's also an interactive map so you can search for your favorite mountain.
One more example, just because I am enjoying looking at these!

SUPER IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: I noticed that the Stockholm Mountain map includes some major details about property owners and their land.

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