Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade

In response to last week's Black Atlantic post, a reader directed me to the Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The Atlas has a companion site,  Echoes: the SlaveVoyages Blog where you can browse through an impressive array of maps produced for the Atlas. Here are the major regions where captives were taken from.

via Slave Voyages

This overview of the slave trade shows how captives were taken not just to the Americas but also to the Middle East, India and even parts of North Africa

via Slave Voyages
By far though, the Americas (especially South) had the largest volume of the slave trade. Here is the volume and direction of the routes to American regions.

via Slave Voyages

There are many more interesting maps to discover at the Echoes site or you can buy the book here.

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