Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Algal Blooming Across the World

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center produced a video showing the increase in harmful algal blooms over the last 50 years.

If the above video does not load try clicking here. This version ends by opening the globe into a world map to show everywhere at once. There is another version that ends with a zoom in on Florida.

Algal blooms happen when algae grows out of control.  Red tide is a type of bloom that emits toxins that kill fish and cause irritating odors and respiratory problems. The video above is part of a larger video showing the problems facing our oceans and how the newly launched PACE satellite is helping to quantify them.

Here is a still from the video showing the algal bloom in Lake Erie that shut down the City of Toledo's water supply.

Here is colorful still of oceanic circulation patterns.

Finally, here is an image showing data collected from the PACE satellite.

More information and a full list of film credits is here.

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