Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Maps GPT

I've been seeing a few interesting uses for ChatGPT-type artificial intelligence lately. Of course there has to be a map generator. MapsGPT is powered by Proxi, an alternative to Google's MyMaps. I started out looking at their map suggestions, such as worst places to take a nap near Seattle,

or loudest college football stadiums "near usa"

Next, I tried my own map. You pick a subject and a place - it's always listed as "near" hence the awkward "near usa" from the above example. After a few unimpressive efforts, I tried a goofy one - places to see dolphins near Kansas. Guess what - there are a few!

In addition to the one above there is also SEA LIFE Kansas City with "the most knowledgeable dolphins in town".

I'm pretty unfamiliar with Proxi so I tried to create a few things on that platform with some uneven results but it looks like you can style the map so they don't all have the same look and change the icons so they're not all teardrops. I plan to play with it some more and if I get anything worth sharing I will.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Dug! Creator of Proxi here. Thanks for giving us a try! Would love to hear any feedback that you have.
